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Professionogram in Professional Pedagogical Preparation of the Choreographic Head Amateur Team
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-01-08
Abstract: Choreographic art is an effective means of aesthetic and moral education, which makes it relevant to identify, research and solve problems in this area. The article deals with the problem of professional competence of the head of a creative (choreographic) team. On the basis of modern requirements for professional and pedagogical activity of the head of choreographic collective to his personal and professional qualities identified the need to improve the level of professional pedagogical skills in the process of improving the process of training of students-choreographers on the profile “Manual Amateur choreographic collective”, the article analyses scientific research on the problems of vocational training of head of choreographic collective in the system of higher education. Considered professional-pedagogical activity (pedagogical, artistic-creative, artistic) of the head of choreographic collective, reveals its main aim and objectives, the relationship of personal, creative and professional formation of the future specialist, as well as defines the conditions for professional growth of creative (dance) team. One of the aspects of improving the training of a future specialist is a professionogram, the development of which was carried out in order to form an understanding of the essence and specifics of the profession of “head of an Amateur choreographic team”. The article reveals the main parameters of the professionogram of the head of the Amateur choreographic team: specifics, goals and objectives, features of professional and pedagogical activity, personal qualities. The developed professionogram is recommended for the career guidance program and training of the head of the Amateur choreographic team in higher education institutions of culture and art.
Key words: Leaders of choreographic groups; choreography; choreographic art; dancing; amateur choreographic groups; professiograms; professional and pedagogical training; professional competencies.
For citation
Borisenko, T. S. Professionogram in Professional Pedagogical Preparation of the Choreographic Head Amateur Team / T. S. Borisenko, I. B. Ignatova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №1. – P. 65-73. DOI 10.26170/po20-01-08.