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Shaping Civic Identity in Young Schoolchildren by Means of Project Activity
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-03-14
Abstract: The relevance of the article is due to the need to solve the problem of formation of civil identity in the younger generation (awareness of belonging to the community of citizens of a state, which has a significant meaning for the individual), which is declared in official documents (“Foundations of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025”, Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen, etc.). The purpose of the article is to reveal the pedagogical potential of the project activity in the formation of the foundations of civil identity in junior schoolchildren and to summarize the accumulated pedagogical experience to solve this pedagogical problem. The methodological basis of the study is: social identity theory (H. Tejfel, J. Turner), activity theory (A. N. Leont’ev, S. L. Rubinstein), theoretical provisions revealing the process of formation of civic identity of the individual (A. G. Asmolov) and the process of organization of project activities of students (E. S. Polat). The following methods of research were used: study and analysis of scientific literature, analysis and synthesis of pedagogical experience, pedagogical observation. The scientific novelty is that researchers justify and prove that in the process of participation in project activities younger schoolchildren form ideas about state symbols, about history, culture of the region in which they live, Russia as a whole (cognitive component of civic identity). They learn the values of patriotism, citizenship, family, students have an emotional-value attitude towards their small Motherland (emotional-value component of civil identity). They develop skills to operate knowledge of moral norms, to relate actions to accepted ethical principles, to exercise orientation in social roles (an activity component of civic identity). The practical significance of the results of the study is that the authors analyzed and summarized pedagogical experience on formation of the foundations of civil identity of younger schoolchildren by means of project activity in various forms of organization of educational activity – rough (in lessons “Surrounding world”, “Music”) and out-of-school. The authors describe the experience of participation of younger schoolchildren in the implementation of information and research types of projects.
Key words: Federal state educational standard of primary general education; universal educational actions; civil identity; project activity; formation of foundations of civil identity; junior schoolchildren.
For citation
Kashina, N. I., Ponomareva, E. G., Petrovskikh, O. N. (2020). Shaping Civic Identity in Young Schoolchildren by Means of Project Activity // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №3. – P. 123-129. DOI 10.26170/po20-03-14.