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German Language Teaching Students of Non-Language Specialties with Beginner Starting Level
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-18
Abstract: The article is devoted to the issue of teaching German to students of non-linguistic specialties with a beginner starting level in the framework of a multicultural multilingual teaching strategy at a university. The article presents an analysis of modern domestic and foreign studies on the issues of foreign language teaching at the initial stage. The concept of the initial stage of learning a foreign language is considered in different versions of the European scale of foreign language proficiency (CEFR and ALTE), examples of terminology for this category of students in the English and German language space are given. Different points of view of domestic and foreign researchers on the interpretation of the concepts “initial stage in teaching foreign languages”, “elementary level” and “beginner starting level” are identified and analyzed. In the study, the initial stage of foreign language learning is considered in connection with the psychological, physiological, anthropological and pedagogical factors of the age group beginning to learn a foreign language. The article analyzes the dual understanding of the term “initial stage” in psychological and pedagogical sources: in the meaning of learning “from zero”, which is characterized by an absolute beginning of language learning, beginner starting level of language proficiency and consideration of the initial stage as the first cycle in a specific organizational form of education, for example, an introductory course in a comprehensive school or a corrective course in a university. The initial stage in this article is understood in the absolute meaning of beginner starting level of language proficiency. Special attention is paid to the analysis of scientific and methodological research on the issue of teaching foreign language to high school students at the initial stage. In the works, the conditions for maximum approximation of the level of foreign language proficiency of students starting from “zero” by the end of the first year to the level of other students are considered. The article pays great attention to the study of the experience of teaching German at the initial stage of domestic and foreign authors. The conclusions of the article indicate the lack of development of this issue and the need to develop a methodology for teaching German to students of nonlinguistic specialties with a beginner starting level.
Key words: Zero starting level; German; methodology for teaching German; methodology of the German language at the university; students; non-linguistic specialties; learning strategies.
For citation
Yakusheva, E. G. (2020). German Language Teaching Students of Non-Language Specialties with Beginner Starting Level // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 147-151. DOI 10.26170/po20-04-18.