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Psychometric Analysis and Maintenance of the Questionnaire “Structure of Activity of the Principal”
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-05
Abstract: For more than semicentennial history of studying of activity in domestic psychology, activity was considered in various aspects: from the point of view of formation of mentality of the person and mentality manifestation in activity, communication of activity with individual and psychological features (properties of nervous system, properties of temperament and the personality). Procedural and operational features and productive characteristics of activity were studied. Style of activity, as the adaptive characteristic reflecting activity of the subject and style from the point of view of adaptive and compensatory functions of activity, etc. was investigated. The most important condition of studying of activity in the directions stated above, was the problem of her diagnostics. As a rule, diagnostics of activity was carried out by means of the accounting of approximate executive and control components of activity, in the course of studied activity. The real research is devoted to development of a questionnaire for diagnostics of structure of activity of directors of schools. Results of development of a technique of diagnostics of structure of the main directions of professional activity of the director of modern comprehensive school are reflected in article, the psychometric status of a questionnaire is presented, his reliability and a validity are shown, and also the list of the questions reflecting the maintenance of the main activities of the principal is given. The results presented in the article can be used in the further psychological and pedagogical researches of actual problems of the modern education. The presented questionnaire is necessary for the further research of a structure of activities of the principal, formation mechanisms of a principal’s activity style, activities’ correction, in order to increase the overall performance of the Head of the education organization. A further research of the connections between structure and style of the principal’ activity and his individual-psychological features is a question of a special interest, that can be realized on the basis of questionnaire.
Key words: School directors; psychological questionnaires; psychometric analysis; validity; reliability; psychological diagnostics; methods of psychodiagnostics; management activities.
For citation
Gorbunova, I. V. (2020). Psychometric Analysis and Maintenance of the Questionnaire “Structure of Activity of the Principal” // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 41-52. DOI 10.26170/po20-04-05.