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Cultural Identity of Bilingual Children: Psychological and Pedagogical Approach
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-05-17
Abstract: The authors’ appeal to the problem of bilingual children cultural identity in the socio-cultural conditions of the XXI century is due to a number of factors. First, bilingualism and polylinguism are common everyday practices that have become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Second, parents are interested in the fact that the child possessed two or more languages that allow them to adapt to a multicultural environment and to build a successful communication in the future. Thirdly, teaching several languages from early childhood has its own specifics, since the thinking and speech of bi- and polylingual children differs from the thinking and speech of monolinguals. The purpose of the article is to consider how the cultural identity of bilingual children is formed, taking into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics (through the development of the linguistic picture of the world, speech and play practices, immersion in a multilingual environment, communication with a significant adult – a parent who becomes a teacher for a child). The authors refer to the analysis of linguistic, cultural, and psychological literature. The method of description is used as the main one and is necessary to represent the cultural identity of bilingual children, as well as to identify the psychological and pedagogical features of bilingualism, which affects the formation of the cultural identity of children. In the text, the authors’ special attention is focused on the fact that the child does not just learn a second and subsequent language, but immerses himself in a multicultural environment, where 2 or more languages are equal. It is organized by adults (as a rule, parents), who, in everyday life, provide a multilingual assimilation of reality through play, communication, everyday situations, etc. The thinking and speech of a bilingual child develops somewhat differently than that of monolinguals, and this must be considered when purposefully teaching languages.
Key words: Сultural identity; linguistic picture of the world; bilingual children; thinking of children; children’s speech; multicultural environment; sociocultural environment; sociocultural conditions.
For citation
Efremova, Yu. R., Simbirtseva, N. A. (2020). Cultural Identity of Bilingual Children: Psychological and Pedagogical Approach // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №5. – P. 146-153 . DOI 10.26170/po20-05-17.