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Education of Information Security as a Component of the Formation of Primary School Children’s Culture
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-06-09
Abstract: The article deals with the problem of the importance of education of an information security culture for children of primary school age to reduce personal security risks associated with the using of information and communication technologies. The urgency of this problem is due to the high rates of informatization of society and, in particular, the orientation of the education system to the use of educational tools of information and communication technologies for solving communication and cognitive problems. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need to education an information security culture in primary school children within the framework of the formation of information culture. The methodological basis of the study was the systemic and personal approaches, in accordance with which all phenomena were considered in their interconnection and with an orientation towards personality, as the main goal and subject in the implementation of the pedagogical process. The research used theoretical research methods – analysis and synthesis of psychological, pedagogical and sociological literature on the topic under research. Among the important research results are the following: the considered aspects of information security of an individual can be used to determine the criteria and indicators of the formation of information security culture; the positive influence of the age characteristics of primary schoolchildren on the success of the formation of information security culture is indicated; among other things, the education of information security culture should take place with the participation of parents and include the processes of the formation of specific person psychological qualities, behavior patterns, as well as ethical norms of behavior in the information space. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the clarification of the definition of the “information security culture” concept and the definition of the “education of information security culture” phenomenon, which has not yet had a scientific definition. The theoretical significance of the work consists in substantiating the need to identify a new component in the structure of the information culture of primary school children – the information security culture, as well as identifying and describing the main aspects of educating the information security culture. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the theoretical provisions contained in it can be used to solve the problem of forming an information security culture in primary schoolchildren in the course of creating a special pedagogical system for education an information security culture.
Key words: Primary school; younger students; fostering a culture of safety; information security culture; Information Security; education of younger students; information and communication technology.
For citation
Dashenko, Yu. S., Novoselov, S. A. (2020). Education of Information Security as a Component of the Formation of Primary School Children’s Culture // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №6. – P. 80-86. DOI 10.26170/po20-06-09.