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Theoretical and Applied Foundations of Personalized Education: Development Prospects
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DOI: 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_02
Abstract: . Currently, a new paradigm is being established in professional pedagogy – personalized educa-tion. Its formation is due to socio-professional changes in post-industrial society. Response to his calls was the modernization of education, the target of which is orientation independent design students the content of their training, definition of technology learning activities, forecasting individual trajectories of development.
Personalized education refers to the developing models of training by scientifically based domestic psychologists L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin. The practical implementation of their theoretical positions was developed in the research of N. A. Menchinskaya, I. S. Yakimanskaya, E. V. Bondarevskaya and others.
The difference between personalized and developmental learning is the strengthening of their motivational component, the multiplication of their educational and cognitive abilities on the basis of self-determination, self-regulation and self-actualization. Important importance is attached to independence in designing their own learning content and implementing themselves in practice-oriented learning. The main trend of this education is the development of personality, not the formation of knowledge and skills (A. G. Asmolov).
The theoretical basis of personalized education is a subjective approach that consolidates individualization and differentiation of training.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the scientific and educational significance of the innovative paradigm of personalized learning, to reveal its thematic core: the development of personality in the process of independent design and self-realization in practice-oriented activities.
The methodology of the study. The methodological basis for designing personalized education was the theory of personalization by V. A. Petrovsky, in which students are represented as subjects of their development and solvency. Psychological predictors of this theoretical attitude were the following characteristics of the subject of educational and cognitive activity: self-determination, self-actualization and self-realization. The leading methods of research are theoretical and methodological analysis of the subject and problem of research based on the study and logical generalization of psychological and pedagogical literature, as well as the concretization and generalization of the authors’ intellectual activity.
Panorama of the study was determined in accordance with the methodological approaches and principles of professional personality.
Practical significance. The introduction of personalized education is already widely implemented in general education schools, while in professional education these technologies have not yet been put into practice. This disadvantage is largely explained by the complexity of devices that allow you to simulate high-tech production. But virtual workshops are already being used in pilot training centers for highly qualified personnel.
Key words: personalized education; personalized trajectories; professional development; designing the professional future; learning models; cognitive activity.
For citation
Zeer, E. F., Symaniuk, E. E. (2021). Theoretical and Applied Foundations of Personalized Education: Development Prospects. // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2021. – №1. – P. 17-25. DOI 10.12345/2079-8717_2021_01_02.