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Identification of the Holism of Personal Individualization
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Abstract: The article dwells on the process of individualization of man in the holism of co-existence which allows regarding identification of individuality «inside» and «outside» of oneself. Objective reduplication in the realization of individuals in co-existence brings about a double circle of movement of objectified content, and creates an opportunity to express subjectivity in relation to each other in interaction. The processes directed «inside» and «outside» an individual make up a single process of individualization. The attitude to oneself turns out to be effected by the objectified attitude of another person to me, and the attitude to the other one is influenced by my own attitude to myself. In the cycles of co-existence, there takes place corelation of differences between meanings, feelings and actions of minimum two individuals. Based on the difference and specificity of one’s own meanings, feelings, actions, attitudes and values, identification of one’s «own content» and oneself as different from «another content» and another person in co-existence as a vital moment of preservation of identity to oneself takes place. Generation of individual identity in relations with another person (other individuals) in the structure of co-existence is a universal mechanism for overcoming natural and social barriers. In the continuous eternity of cyclic processes of individualization identification generates the necessary discrete moments of stabilization and determination of an individual. Superindividual nature of the processes of individualization of man calls forth also super-individual results of their identity as an individualized social entity. Ontologization of identification makes it possible to overcome the drawbacks of the categorical understanding of identity while using abstract substitutes of individuality by the notions «subject» and «ego». The relative uniformity (unity) of individual identity «inside» and «outside» cannot be achieved without a complex of co-relations within the single process of individualization.
Key words: Co-existence cycles; holism of individualization; anthologization; unity of identity; unity of identity «inside» and «outside» an individual.
For citation
Gert, V. A. Identification of the Holism of Personal Individualization / V. A. Gert // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 16-20.