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Development of Education in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic: Value-Oriented Critical Understanding of Historical Experience
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Abstract: The article presents the positive experience of the school education development as a positive urgent process in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic in terms of evolving cooperation between the neighboring states of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, successfully implementing the model of strategic partnership between Kazakhstan and Russia. In to-day’s fast changing world, professional skills and knowledge turn into the key qualities of the modern system of education, and an educated population becomes the greatest asset of any state. In this connection, the article provides a brief historical background of inclusion of the Kazakh peoples in the Russian Empire, and describes the state of education on the territory of Kazakhstan in the early 20th century. The main principles of the Soviet educational legislature are characterized on the examples of the Soviet Constitutions and the USSR Law of July 19, 1973 with relation to the role of education in the development of personality, society and the state, and the role of general education school as the basic structures of national culture. The authors present historical facts characterizing the process of development of education in the Soviet Kazakhstan as well-organized and consistent. The article provides statistics on the level of literacy, the quantitative growth of schools, the amount of teachers and schoolchildren in the Soviet Kazakhstan, which, in comparison with the corresponding figures in the USSR and RSFSR, clearly shows the special attention paid to the purposive educational policy in the Soviet state as a whole, and to the accent on education development in socialist republics. The creation of a modern efficient system of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is based upon the historical experience in this sphere, including the experience of value-oriented critical attitude to the language policy. In his message to the people entitled «Strategy “Kazakhstan — 2050”: a new political course of the independent state», President N. A. Nazarbaev states that the Russian language and Cyrillic writing should be treated in the same careful way as Kazakh ones.
Key words: Historical experience; educational policy; teachers; secondary schools; history of Pedagogy; Soviet period.
For citation
Guznenko, Z. I. Development of Education in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic: Value-Oriented Critical Understanding of Historical Experience / Z. I. Guznenko, N. M. Chuchula // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №10. – P. 6-15.