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Methodology of the Development of Foreign-Language Educational and Cognitive Competence of Students Majoring in Tourism
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Abstract: The result of the training of a future specialist in Russian education is his professional competence, which is a complex of competences reflecting the graduate's potential and ability to live in a stable and efficient way in the conditions of modern socio-political, market-economical, information and communication space. A competent approach puts forward a set of requirements for the graduate of the university, among which the most important role is the readiness for further professional activity, the ability to autonomously search and process information, efficient gaining of knowledge, the desire for self-education and selfdevelopment. One of the basic requirements for employees of the hospitality industry is the mastery of a foreign language and the ability to improve it. Such skills, called "learning skills", are the main component of the foreign language educational and cognitive competence reflecting the willingness and ability to manage independent learning activities in learning a foreign language in an organized learning process with a gradually increasing ability to self-education. The article describes a study on foreign-language educational and cognitive competence in university training of students majoring in tourism. The role of this competence in the structure of the professional competence of the tourism specialist, its functional-content characteristic, the results of the analysis of methodological reality, and the principles underlying the created methodology for its development are described. The presented methodology includes the stages of implementation, criteria, indicators, diagnostic methods, levels of development, organizational forms, a set of exercises, based on the typology of autho-methodical tasks, the means of educational and methodological support. The article also presents the results of the pilot study, the final conclusions and further prospects for the research.
Key words: Professional competence; students; tourist specialties; foreign language competence; educational and cognitive competence; independent activity; educational activities; the ability to learn; autho-methodical tasks.
For citation
Lavrik, E. Y. Methodology of the Development of Foreign-Language Educational and Cognitive Competence of Students Majoring in Tourism / E. Y. Lavrik // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №7. – P. 96-102.