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Formation of Universal Educational Actions of Pupils in Dialogue
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Abstract: The article discusses the concept of the pedagogical technology "Dialogue in Educational Process" promoting formation of personal and metasubject universal actions of pupils included in the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Education. The goals and tasks of the technology are aimed at the development of the mental processes of a person, which are connected with properties, functions and types of speech. This pedagogical technology gives special attention to the properties of the speech (content, clarity, expressiveness and effect), functions of speech (expression, persuasion, denotation and the message) and types of speech (oral, written, monological, dialogical, internal). The teacher, knowing the properties, functions and types of speech, will be able to form proper and correct speech of pupils at the lessons, to train them for the conscious use of speech, to start and continue a dialogue and to adequately analyze speech in order to find ways of improvement of the individual speech. Systematic use of this pedagogical technology will be the basis for development and improvement of personal, metasubject universal educational actions of pupils that will become the foundation for formation of subject universal actions of pupils. This skill will allow the pupils to choose profession and to find their place in the society.
Key words: Pedagogical technology "Dialogue in Educational Process"; personal, metasubject universal educational actions of pupils; properties, functions, types of the speech.
For citation
Eremina, O. A. Formation of Universal Educational Actions of Pupils in Dialogue / O. A. Eremina, N. E. Popova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 164-169.