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Cultural Awareness as a Condition of Formation of Cognitive Interest of Cadets of Emercom Higher Schools
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Abstract: Nowadays, the life of society is characterized by the emergence of an information civilization, a new understanding of the complex and contradictory processes in the society, the new outstanding discoveries in the basic sciences of the world are justified by a new type of social life. Modern professional activity requires a specialist possessing the skills to analyze the situation in the shortest possible time, a specialist who is able to make the right management decisions under the impact of destructive factors. Education should prepare the prospective specialists to these conditions. Information technologies used in the educational process, enhance motivation and interest of students in obtaining solid and deep knowledge. Computer not only stimulates cognitive interest, but also adds entertaining element in the learning process. Information technology, unlike traditional training methods, contributes to the active inclusion of students in the process of obtaining knowledge, enhances their memory, logical thinking and the ability to solve problems, so it plays a great role in contemporary higher education. This article considers the issue of formation of informative interest of students of educational institutions of the Russian Emergency Ministry, based on the works of scientists who studied this problem. The structure of informative interest of students of educational institutions of EMERCOM of Russia reveals one of the conditions of formation of informative interest, called cultural awareness.
Key words: Culture; standards of speech; cognitive interest; cognitive activity; cognitive motivation; cultural awareness; the dialogue of cultures.
For citation
Volkova, T. N. Cultural Awareness as a Condition of Formation of Cognitive Interest of Cadets of Emercom Higher Schools / T. N. Volkova, A. V. Surovegin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №11. – P. 120-125.