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Models of Continuing Ethno-Cultural and Multicultural Education
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the content of ethno-cultural and multicultural education in the system of continuing education process. The aim of this work is a theoretical substantiation of the approaches to designing organizational models for continuing ethno-cultural and multicultural education aimed at integrating formal, non-formal and informal education. The article considers the notions of "ethno-cultural education" and "multicultural education". The article presents the identified approaches and principles of continuing ethno-cultural and multicultural education content, which serves as the basis of model development. According to the results of research and monitoring the process of revealing the modern state of ethno-cultural and multicultural education of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the Russian Federation, the "Research Institute of National Schools of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)" developed a model of continuing ethno-cultural and multicultural education. The structural model of continuing education according to the UNESCO Concept reveals the content of its horizontal components: formal, non-formal and informal education. Another model of continuing ethno-cultural and multicultural education reveals the relationship of its components with age-related cycle of human life. The article describes the experience of implementation of the given models at institutions of additional education for children and additional professional education for adults on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The designed models can be used in the preparation of the content of basic and additional education programs of preschool, general and vocational education taking into account regional and ethnocultural peculiarities and in working out scientific and methods support in the context of introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards.
Key words: Ethno-cultural education, multicultural education, continuing education.
For citation
Ivanova, A. V. Models of Continuing Ethno-Cultural and Multicultural Education / A. V. Ivanova, N. I. Filippova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №3. – P. 206-212.