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Features of Realization of Pedagogical Creativity of a Teacher of Preschool Educational Institution in the System of Continuous Education
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Abstract: The article deals with some aspects of improving pedagogical skills of a pre-school teacher in the system of continuous education. The concepts 0f«creativity», «creative skills» are defined; their relationship with the structural components of the pedagogical creativity a teacher is disclosed. Particular attention is drawn to the structure of pedagogical creativity of a teacher and the methods for its assessment using valid, standardized psycho-diagnostic methods. The system of approaches and principles, which forms the basis of the process of improving pedagogical skills of pre-school teacher, is described. Based on the theoretical analysis of the research works, the author reveals and describes the theoretical and methodological background, which can serve the foundation for the development of an integrated system of improvement of pedagogical creativity of a pre-school teacher according to the Federal state standard of preschool education. The author describes the structural-functional model of perfection of pedagogical creativity of a pre-school teacher in continuing education, as well as the pedagogical conditions that influence the effectiveness of this process. The article describes the main stages of the pedagogical experiment that was held to reveal the results of implementation of the model of pedagogical creativity perfection and indicators to reveal the dynamics of the level of formation of pedagogical creativity of teachers. The problem of effective pedagogical communication is viewed as an independent variant of improving the pedagogical creativity of a pre-school teacher. The peculiarities of a good pedagogical communication are revealed, which help to bring up a creative person capable of interaction with the environment in accordance with their individual characteristics and abilities.
Key words: Creativity; pedagogical creativity of a pre-school teacher; the structure of pedagogical creativity of a pre-school teacher; the structural-functional model and principles of development of pedagogical creativity of a teacher; the method of qualimetry.
For citation
Kolesnikova, G. G. Features of Realization of Pedagogical Creativity of a Teacher of Preschool Educational Institution in the System of Continuous Education / G. G. Kolesnikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9. – P. 83-89.