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Abstract: The article summarizes methodological experience of professionally focused training of students-editors. The forms of organization of the work with the texts of editorial standards and abstracts to scientific, educational, scientific and educational, literary and reference editions are presented. Typical mistakes in abstracts are discusses. The article analyzes the book abstract of hybrid types of the editions having features of scientific and educational, popular scientific and popular genres. The hypothesis is confirmed about the diagnostic character of such abstracts in respect of reflection of typological features of the edition, which didn't receive definition in the state standard specification, but exists in real editorial practice. To determine the type of edition the students base themselves upon the content or thematic characteristic of publications (scientific facts/everyday topic), the stylistic features of the summary (presence/absence of spoken structures and vocabulary, the use of literary and special vocabulary, scientific/conversational style of presentation) and the designation of the reader's address in the text of the abstract. The forms of work with the text can improve motivation of students-editors to the subject, to develop the skills of analysis of the abstracts to some types of editions and to create their own abstracts. The methodological solutions can be used in the practice of higher pedagogical education.
Key words: Abstract; type of edition; technologies of training; editing; experiment.

For citation

Gogolina, T. V. Annotation Techniques in the Course of Prospective Editors Training / T. V. Gogolina, E. N. Ivanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2016. – №9. – P. 24-29.