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Formation of the Skills to Build Judgments and Make Conclusions of Children of Preschool Age
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Abstract: The article describes the features of formation of the skills to build judgments and make conclusions of children of preschool age. The purpose of the article is to analyze and work out games and tasks to form the skills to build judgments and make conclusions for children of preschool age. The research methods of the paper are analysis of psychological-pedagogical, scientific-methodical and educational literature. The paper underlines that before formation of skills to build judgments and make conclusions, it is necessary to develop the following logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, seriation, classification, generalization and systematization. Using generally accepted theory of stage-by-stage formation of mental acts, the authors identified the stages of formation of the logical methods of thinking: practical, visual, modeling, verbal, mental. The following pedagogical and psychological conditions have a great influence on formation of children's skills to build judgments and make conclusions: personality-oriented interaction of adults and children, support of the personal experience of the child in the development of new knowledge, variety of activities of children where the leading activity is a game, internal (cognitive) positive motivation through the use of problematic situations, purposeful, systematic, and gradual formation of logical methods of thinking in a strict sequence. Contemporary programs of preschool education present the system of tasks to develop skills to build judgments and make conclusions, which is not always complete and consistent. In this regard, the authors offered games and tasks to form skills to build judgments and make conclusions. The practical significance lies in the fact that the research material can be used in the practice of a teacher.
Key words: Children of preschool age; logical thinking; judgment; conclusion.
For citation
Voronina, L. V. Formation of the Skills to Build Judgments and Make Conclusions of Children of Preschool Age / L. V. Voronina, M. V. Karpova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №4. – P. 37-43.