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The Specifics of the Psychological Structure of Sociability of Boys and Girls
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-03-12
Abstract: The article is devoted to the question of the specificity of the structure of sociability in girls and boys. The features of regulatory-dynamic and productive-semantic components of sociability of these groups are considered. The analysis of the structure of sociability of boys and girls was studied using the methods developed by A. I. Krupnov, allowing to consider this quality of personality is multifaceted in the system of naturaldynamic and instrumental-semantic characteristics. In our work, we decided to consider the differences in structures that include regulatory-dynamic and productive-semantic variables of sociability of girls and boys — students of USSPU. On the basis of a multidimensional-functional approach, which allows considering this property from all its facets and sides, a comparative analysis of the factor structure of sociability of boys and girls, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of sociability of boys and girls, which made it possible to draw a conclusion about the gender specificity of this personality trait, was made. A measure of cohesion of the marked variables: energy, aenergy, stennic, asthenic, internality-externality — the regulatory-dynamic aspect and sociocentricity-egocentricity, meaningfulness-awareness, objectivity-subjectness — the motivational-semantic aspect of sociability among young people shows a good idea and importance of this property, so and methods of its manifestation. In girls, intercorrelational connections of variables of sociability give way, due to the limited arsenal of methods and means of communicative behavior and weak internal regulation of sociability. Girls more often than boys are motivated by sociocentric motivation associated with solving all sorts of social problems. In the course of communication, they seek to establish friendly relations with the most diverse people, to decide not so much their own way, but to render assistance in resolving the questions of the interlocutor.
Key words: Communication; psychology of communication; sociability; gender features; young men; girls; regulatory and dynamic variables; productive and semantic variables; qualitative analysis; quantitative analysis; sociability structure.
For citation
Zhemchugova, N. A. The Specifics of the Psychological Structure of Sociability of Boys and Girls / N. A. Zhemchugova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №3. – P. 80-85. DOI 10.26170/po19-03-12.