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Study of the Relationship of Socio-Psychological Adaptation and Emotional Intelligence of First-year Students
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-07-21
Abstract: Socio-psychological adaptation of students is one of the main directions of the University, which is very diverse. Based on the analysis of studies conducted in recent years, the authors suggest that there is an integral indicator that can predict the success or failure of the adaptive process of students. Emotional intelligence acts as such an integral indicator. The article presents the results of a study conducted on a sample of 116 first-year students aged 17 to 19 years enrolled in various Humanities. With this purpose used: a questionnaire “Emin” D. V. Lyusina, “Methods for diagnostics of level of development of the ability to interpret nonverbal behavior” by V. A. Labunskaya, “Methods for diagnostics of sociopsychological adaptation” K. Rogers and p. diamond. According to the results of the study, the levels of emotional intelligence and the data of measurement of emotional intelligence on the scales (“Emin” D. V. Lucina) are described in detail. It is revealed that the majority of students evaluate their level of emotional intelligence as high and average. The levels of the ability to interpret nonverbal behavior (V. A. method) are described. Labunskaya). It is concluded that students define and interpret nonverbal behavior well enough. The ability to interpret the nonverbal behavior of first-year students in solving each problem is analyzed in detail. The results of the questionnaire aimed at the reflection of their emotional intelligence (“Emin” D. V. Lucina) are correlated with the levels of development of the ability to interpret nonverbal behavior (V. A. Labunskaya's method). The levels of social and psychological adaptation of first-year students (the method of K. Rogers and R. diamond) are described, it is revealed that on all scales the indicators are higher than the standard, except for the scales: “dominance”, “Vedomosti”, “escapism”. The results are compared with other similar modern studies and interpreted by the age characteristics of students, as well as the specifics of the situation of learning in the first year. Using the Spearman coefficient, a connection was established in almost all parameters between the levels of development of socio-psychological adaptation and the levels of development of emotional intelligence.
Key words: Levels of socio-psychological adaptation; indicators of socio-psychological adaptation; levels of emotional intelligence; indicators of emotional intelligence; students freshmen; socio-psychological adaptation; emotional intelligence; interpretation of non-verbal behavior.
For citation
Okonechnikova, L. V. Study of the Relationship of Socio-Psychological Adaptation and Emotional Intelligence of First-Year Students / L. V. Okonechnikova, A. M. Wilhelm, A. V. Wilhelm // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №7. – P. 154-160. DOI 10.26170/po19-07-21.