Карта сайта
- ---- Theoretical Basis of Implementing Individual Educational Trajectory Using Electronic Educational Resources in Teaching Pupils
- ---- Welsh Language and Education in Wales: Historical Experience and Present Status
- ---- Development of Speech Standards as Part of Training of the Competitive Engineers in Modern Social and Economic Conditions
- --- №4
- ---- Active Usage of Social Network (On the Example of VK.com) and Peculiarities of Personal Self-Determination in Youth
- ---- Assymetric Professional Future of Modern Youth
- ---- Person as the Subject of Social and Cultural Space
- ---- Distance Internet Training Program as a Brand New Way of Emotional Intellect Development
- ---- Effects of the Influence of Psychological Risks of Educational Environment on Emotional-Affective Sphere of Teenagers’ Personality
- ---- Egoism, Personal Uniqueness, Narcissism: Common and Different Features
- ---- Ethnic Resources of Students' Toughness in the Context of Cross-Cultural Dialogue in Educational Environment
- ---- The Phenomenon of Double Exclussiveness of Children as an Important Problem of Pedagogical Psychology
- ---- Guide Text in the Context of Virtual Educational Environment
- ---- Information Technologies as a Means of Training Citizens in School for Surrogate Parents
- ---- Interactive Dialogue in Education: Past, Present and Future
- ---- The Concept of Preparing the General Education System in Sverdlovsk Region to the Introduction of Federal State Educational Standards
- ---- Role of Information Technologies in Modern School
- ---- Methodical Potential of the Category «Method» in Studying Russian Realism at School
- ---- Multicultural Environment
- ---- New Competences of a Teacher in Modern Informational Edcuational Environment
- ---- «I» Image in Virtual Space of Internet-Independent and Internet-Dependent Social Agents
- ---- Educational Potential of Cross-Cultural Interaction
- ---- Olympiade as a Psychological Pedagogical Technology of Higher School Education
- ---- Organizational Loyalty of Teachers in a Virtual Education Environment
- ---- Continuous Pedagogical Education of Doctors Teaching at Medical Universities on the Basis of Distance Training
- ---- Pedagogical Bases of Cross-Cultural Intercourse in Educational Process in University
- ---- Training, Adaptation and Advance Training of Bulgarian Teachers
- ---- Prescriptions in International Discourse: Subject Organization and Genre Specificity
- ---- Problems and Perspectives of Teaching Children from Migrants’ Families in Sverdlovsk Region
- ---- Theoretical and Practical Problems of the Substitute Family Support
- ---- Extremism Preventing and Tolerance Breeding as Components of Moral Development of Students’ Personalities in Vocational College (On the Example of Megion Vocational College Experience)
- ---- Demonstration of Time Competence of the Teacher in Situations of Information Overload in the Process of Virtual Learning Technologies Development
- ---- Psychological Readiness of the Heads of Educational Establishments to the Introduction of Innovations
- ---- Psychological Peculiarities of Social Intelligence of Teenagers from the Regions with Different Socio-Cultural Conditions
- ---- Psychological Peculiarities of Interaction in the Internet by Teenagers
- ---- Psychological Wellbeing of Pupils and Teachers During the Period of Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard
- ---- Psycho-Pedagogical Correction Technology of Parent - Child Relationships and Socially and Educationally Neglected Adolescents as a Factor in the Prevention of Addictive Behavior
- ---- Psychological and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Distance Education
- ---- Psychological and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Educational Process Participants in the Conditions of Virtual Educational Environment Development on the Example of the Faculty of Clinic Psychology, St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
- ---- Development of Emotional Sphere of Pre-Schoolers by Means of Virtual Educational Environment
- ---- Russian Literature in Information Space of China: To the Question of Cross-Cultural Interaction
- ---- Involvement in the Process and Intrinsic Motivation as Determinants of Successful Creation of the Virtual Educational Environment
- ---- Specificity of Professional Activity of Helping Professions Experts
- ---- Comparative Characteristics of the Conception of Children and Pupils of Bulgarian and Greek Parents and Teachers
- ---- Comparative Analysis of Life Values of Russian and Slovak Students
- ---- The Structure of Career Competence of Pedagogical University Students
- ---- Creative and Pedagogical Interaction of Educational Institution and Company in Competitions of Professional Skill
- ---- Virtual Educational Environment for Deviant Teenagers in a Special Boarding School
- ---- Virtual Learning Environment as an Area of Realization of Innovative Conflictological Projects
- ---- Virtual Educational Environment of a University as a Condition of Self-Realization of Students (On the Example of International Virtual Cultural Educational Project “Global Understanding” at the Institute of Psychology, Ural State Pedagogical University)
- ---- Influence of Virtual Educational Environment on the Development of Personal Identity: Basis of the Research
- ---- Teaching Tolerance as a Basis of Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
- --- №5
- ---- The Empathetic Culture as the Professional Teacher’s Quality
- ---- Development of Cultural Competence of Primary School Students in the Process of Teaching Russian Language
- ---- Development of Professional Values of Future Pedagogue: Problems and Decisions
- ---- Formation of Universal Educational Actions of the 6th Grade Students in the Course of Studying the Subject “Divisibility Signs”
- ---- Adaptation of an Educational Process Management Automated System Based on the Documentation Management Analysis of Higher Education
- ---- Innovative Technologies in the Methods of Teaching World Art Culture as a Condition of Artistic Synthesis Development for High School Students
- ---- Playing Music as a Way of Promotion Musical Abilities Development of Junior Pupils
- ---- Аbility to Be Happy: Educational Potential of Stories by N. A. Taffy at Literature Lessons in 11 Grade
- ---- To the Question of Mechanisms of the Cossack Cadets Cultural Identity Formation by Means of Musical Culture of the Cossacks
- ---- To the Question of Cooperation of Pre-School Teachers and Families
- ---- “Classical” Methods of Social Work and Social Pedagogy in Germany
- ---- Competence-Based Approach – A New Paradigm in Modern Education
- ---- Contests of Professional Craftsmanship as a Means of Self-Perfection of Personal and Professional Qualities of a Teacher
- ---- Concept Competence as the Goal of Foreign Language Teaching of Students Studying Linguistics
- ---- Personal Determinants of a Low Sociometric Status of Students
- ---- Method of Phonetic Associations as an Essential Part of the Process of Teaching English
- ---- Models of Application of Social Network Services in Education
- ---- Adjustment of the System for Physics Teaching at Medical Institutions of Higher Education to the Requirements of New Federal Educational Standard
- ---- Teaching Regulation of Adverse Conditions by Means of Imagination in Training
- ---- Training of Pupils in the Sphere of Art of Solo and Choral Singing on the Basis of Traditions of the Russian School of Singing
- ---- “Domestication” of Culture in Lyrical Book by M. Broditskaya “Ode to Short-Sightedness”: A Guide to the Classes in Modern Poetry for High School
- ---- Organization of Psychological and Pedagogical Practice for Teachers of the Medical University as a Condition of Their Professional Competence Development
- ---- Organization of Independent Academic Work in Mathematics of Pedagogical Universities Students by Means of the Didactic Computer Environment
- ---- Organization of Educational Information Group Interaction on the Base of ICT in Teaching English Cadets in Military High School
- ---- Pedagogical Potential of the Cossacks’ Musical Culture in Cultural Identity Upbringing of Cossack Cadets
- ---- Pedagogical Grounds of Physical Exercise Optimization for Professional Footballers in the Process of Their Acclimatization in a Training Camp
- ---- Principles of Rational Methods of Teaching a Foreign Language Non-Linguistic Students
- ---- The Problem of Familiarization with the Musical Culture of Orenburg and Ural Cossacks by Cossack Cadets of the Urals
- ---- Professional Test as One of the Ways of Career Guidance in the System of Additional Education
- ---- Psychological Determinants of Psychological Violence in Educational Sphere
- ---- Psychological Well-Being of Creative Senior Students
- ---- Psychological and Pedagogical Technology of Conflicts Prophylaxy Among Football Players in the Course of Their Adaptation to Educational and Training Activities in the Countries with Climate Different from That of the Native Country
- ---- Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Civil and Patriotic Qualities of Teenagers’ Personality
- ---- Psycho-Pedagogical Correction Technology of Parent-Child Relationship
- ---- The Development of Health Creation Ideas in the System of Education and Enlightment of the 18th Century in Russia
- ---- Role of Libraries in Effective Usage of Scientific Information in Electronic Communication
- ---- Network Academic Project as a Kind of Independent Work of Students in the Course of “Physiology of Sensory Systems and Higher Nervous System”
- ---- School as a Socio-Cultural Centre and Factor of Self-Realization of Senior Teenagers
- ---- Tutor’s Support as an Important Component of Learning in Conditions of the Development of Information and Communication Technologies
- ---- Theoretical Foundations of the Model Set of Communicative Competence Development in Writing for Language University Students
- ---- Goal Setting on General Cultural Competence as Indicator of Social Competence of Medical Students
- ---- Influence of High Intensity of Trainings on Swimmers in Competitions for Players of High Level
- ---- Health-Saving Environment in the Conditions of Resource Centre
- --- №6
- ---- Relevant Questions of Organization and Realization of Didactic Experiment and Ways of Solving Problems
- ---- Review of Transition to Opensource Software in Russian School
- ---- Auto-Methodical Tasks as the Means of Development of Foreign Language Learning and Cognitive Competences of Future Specialists in the Sphere of Tourism
- ---- Subethnic Stereotypes of Surrounding World Perception and Meaning Structure of Word
- ---- Diagnostics of All-Mental Abilities of Pupils in Special Correctional Classes
- ---- Expressive Potential of Occasional Word: Psychological Aspect
- ---- Developing the Intellectual Culture of Future Economists on the Ground of Intersubject Integration
- ---- Forming Professionally Significant Qualities of Students of Natural Sciences Specialties in Conditions of Modernised Education
- ---- Forming Psychological Competences in System of Advanced Training for Specialists of Cosmetic Service
- ---- Formation of Skills of Self-Control at Younger Schoolchildren Under Conditions of Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards of the Second Generation
- ---- Phrasemes in the Derivation Process of Verb "Говорить"
- ---- Gender Aspect in Children's Literature: What the Boys Read?
- ---- Ideas of Natural Right as a Humanistic Guiding Line in Law Education of High School Students
- ---- Individual Approach to Training in Higher Education Institution
- ---- Using Psycholinguistic Methods in Process of Studying Means of Expressive Syntax at School
- ---- Using Creative Projects for Forming Information Competency of Teachers of Technological Education
- ---- From Observations on Bilingual Child’s Speech
- ---- Studying Semantic Opportunities of Visualization at Theoretical and Practical Training
- ---- Artistic-Aesthetic Education of Preschool Children in Process of Acquaintance with Works of Fiction and Folklore
- ---- Texts Perception Difficulties Analysis Computerization and Some Experience of Its Application in the Educational Process
- ---- Concept of Development Focused Education in Building a System of Tasks as a Means of Solving Modern Education Problems
- ---- Magic Power of Incantation: Palette of Text
- ---- Educational Process Management as Subject of Synergetic Analyses
- ---- Methodical System of Mathematics Training in Professional Colleges as a Condition for Continuing Education
- ---- Methods of Cognitive Discourse Analysis of Fiction
- ---- Methodological Aspects in Development of Professional Flexibility of Teachers in the System of Vocational Education
- ---- Model of Development of Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Future Programmists
- ---- Experience of Implementation of Distant Education Technology on Faculty of Clinic Psychology
- ---- Organisation of Independent Work of Pupils on Informatics by Means of Distant Education Technologies
- ---- Features of Design Education for Design Students in Higher Education Institutions
- ---- Pedagogical Informatics as Basis for Technologization of Educational Process in Secondary Professional Schools
- ---- Pedagogical Conditions of Development of Professional Foreign Language Lexical Competence of Future Mining Engineers Based on Using Informational Communication Technologies
- ---- Statement of Education and Teaching Objectives in Professional Teaching
- ---- Construction of Child Individual Trajectory of Adherence to Sports Activity
- ---- Practical Recommendations for Information Culture Formation of Bachelors Trained in Field of Pedagogical Education
- ---- Causes of Speech Errors in Creative Works of Students
- ---- Principles of Lexicographic Representation of Sacred Semantics
- ---- Problem Situation as Factor of Development for All Types of Modal Perception
- ---- Psycholinguistic Aspects of Opposition of Present and Past Tenses in Russian Language
- ---- Syndrome of Attention Deficiency with Hyperactivity as a Result of Sensor and Kinetic Deprivation with the Children Under Condition of Television Abuse
- ---- System of Exercises for Developing Lexical Competence
- ---- «Shall I Say – What I Am Thinking Over?» (Series “Learner” in M. Tsvetayeva’s Lyrics)
- ---- Social Pedagogical Education: New Meanings and Perspectives of Development
- ---- Structure and Components of Motor Independence of Older Preschoolers
- ---- Structure of Scientific and Methodological Support for Humanities Students in Computer Science Field and ICT
- ---- Technology in Teaching Mathematics to Students of Higher Schools on The Basis of Their Independent Work in Didactic Computer Environment
- ---- Topically Oriented Referent Reading in Educational, Scientific and Professional Activities
- ---- Influence of Motives and Conscious Life Orientations Toward Professional Activity of Ministry of Emergency Situations Institute Cadets
- ---- Interaction of Teachers of Technical School in the Course of Formation of the General and Professional Competences of Students
- ---- Language as Creative Activity: Aspects of Children «Neology» Investigation
- -- 2014
- --- №1
- ---- Dissertation in Pedagogy as an Object of Intellectual Property
- ---- Additional Professional Education of Teachers for Inclusive Education
- ---- Further Professional Education of Specialists in the Social Sphere: Essence and Content
- ---- The Problem of Forming of Professional Mobility of a Musics Teacher
- ---- Formation of Professional Mobility in the Process of Training of Modern Specialists
- ---- Structuring Learning Content of Physics Using Frames in Modular Technology
- ---- Inclusive Education of Preschool-aged Children in Russia
- ---- Innovation Dynamics of Russian Economy and the Transformation Dynamics of Higher Education
- ---- Integral-Differential Approach as Substantial Component of Ekologo-Valeological Education
- ---- Use of Innovations in Social Rehabilitation of Students in Special Education School for Blind and Visually Impaired Children
- ---- Use of State-Of-The-Art Technical Means in Research and Project Activity of Pupils in the Process of Education
- ---- Research Potential of Sociology as an Academic Discipline
- ---- Pedagogical System of Measures for Preventing Extremism in Present-Day Conditions
- ---- On the Problem of Competence, Mobility and Competitiveness
- ---- The Content of Manager’s Working Process in the Sphere of Physical Education and Sport in Modern Conditions
- ---- Leader – Scientist – Teacher: To the 65th Anniversary of Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev
- ---- Methodological Aspects of Teaching Physics Models Using Network of Social Services
- ---- Mobility as One of The Components of Professional Mentality of Social Educator
- ---- Simulation of the Process of Quality Management in Pre-school Educational Organization
- ---- Modular Educational Technology and a Version of Its Implementation on the Basis of Resource Excessive Environment of Computer Support of Training
- ---- Educational Innovations as the Actual Trend of Philosophical and Pedagogical Research
- ---- Main Awards and Honorary Titles of Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev
- ---- Ensuring Conditions of Pedagogical Content in the Model of School Learning
- ---- “Pedagogical Education in Russia”: Strategic Perspectives in Publishing Activity
- ---- “Political Linguistics”: Landmarks of Development
- ---- The Concept of Innovative Thinking
- ---- The Principle of Polytechnic Education in Teaching Physics Within the Framework of Modern Concepts of the Structure of Technosphere
- ---- The Problems of Integration and Inclusive Education of Children with Limited Physical Abilities in the Works of Vladimir Vasilievich Khorkhunov
- ---- Design Funds Assessment Tools Based On Competency (On the Example of Disciplines of Lingvo-Methodical Cycle)
- ---- Occupational Mobility of Teachers and Doctors: Possibilities and Limitations of Comparative Analysis
- ---- Formation of Educational Technology Package “New Technologies” for the Organization of Design Activities of Bachelors (For Example, a Training Module “Industrial Production”)
- ---- Development and Achievements of USPU (2004–2013)
- ---- The Progect Method Role in Development of Creativity of Old Pre-schoolers
- ---- Role of Participation in the System of the Higher Education
- ---- Self-management in the Work of Social Pedagogue
- ---- Self-realization of the Individual in the Penitentiary System
- ---- Systemic Approach in the Works of V. V. Khorkhunov
- ---- Social Tension in Educational Sphere: Aspects of Sociological Research
- ---- Sociocultural Approach to the Process of Socialization of Personality of a Young Specialist
- ---- Modern Russian Pedagogical Metaphorology
- ---- Modern Paradigm of Teaching Computer Science on the Basis of the New Standard
- ---- List of the Main Published and Equated Scientific and Educational Works of Boris Igoshev
- ---- List of Students of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev Who Prepared Dissertations Under His Supervision
- ---- Strategic and Marketing Competence of the Industry University in Target Segments of the Market
- ---- Essential and Logical Analysis of Mobility as an Interscientific Notion
- ---- USPU: Stages of Development of International Cooperation
- ---- «Social and Humanitarian Education and Science Bulletin»: First Steps
- ---- Education and Self-education
- ---- All Began with Technical Creative Work…
- ---- The Journal “Special Education”: Yesterday and Today
- --- №10
- ---- Auto- and Heterostereotypes of National Educational System (Based On the Association Experiment)
- ---- Electronic Portfolio "My Path to Self-realization: Planning-Management-Result!" as a Means of Development and Evaluation of General Cultural and General Professional Competence of Students Pedagogical University
- ---- Child’s Scientific Picture of the World: Formation by Means of Mathematics Education
- ---- The Formation of Intercultural Competence of the Students in the Process of Language Training at the University
- ---- Formation of Self Vocal Training Activity in the Extracurricular Musical Education
- ---- Civic Education in the System of Advanced Education of State and Municipal Civil Servants
- ---- Innovative Mobility as a Socio-Pedagogical Phenomenon
- ---- Commercialization of Educational Discourse: Coverage of Recent Publications
- ---- Conceptual Components of The System of Regional Cluster Cooperation of Colleges with Business Structures (Production) in the Provision of Harmonization of Professional Training of the Personnel
- ---- Corruption as a Polyfactorial Phenomenon
- ---- Criteria and Indices of Students Health-Saving Competence Assessment
- ---- Mechanisms of Socially-Legal Protection Of Motherhood And Childhood In Contemporary Russia
- ---- Methods of Pedagogical Support of Senior Preschoolers Showing Deviant Behavior
- ---- Methodical and Technological Provision of Pedagogical Support for Senior Preschoolers Showing Deviant Behavior
- ---- Professional Experience Model of a Civil Servant of the Middle Urals Region
- ---- Model of Socio-Pedagogical Support of Value Orientations of Risk Group Children in a Recreation Camp
- ---- A Modular Approach to Classification of Professions for Creation of Career Computer Games
- ---- Monitoring of Quality of the Professional Development Formation of Students Using Information Technologies
- ---- Educational Cluster as a System Forming Component of the Regional Model of Continuous Pedagogical Education
- ---- Organization and Results of Work on Education Civics of Preschool Children
- ---- Pedagogical Design of the Process of Communicative Readiness of Preschool Children
- ---- Advanced Training of Civil Servants as a Condition of Structural Reform of State and Municipal Government and Implementation of the National Anti-corruption Plan
- ---- Improvement of Professional Competence of State Government and Municipal Officials in the Sphere of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations (On the Basis of Experience of Work with State and Municipal Employees of Sverdlovsk Region)
- ---- Law Culture of the Younger Generation: Problems and Ways of Salvation
- ---- The Role of a Graduate School as a Social Institute
- ---- Self-study in the History of Pedagogy
- ---- Problems of Interpretation in Learning the English Language
- ---- Correlation of the Paradigms of Assistance and Support in Theory and Practice of Pedagogy
- ---- Specific Features of the Content of Refresher Courses for Teachers of Special Closed-Type Institutions
- ---- A Typical Image of a Teacher in the Provincial Town Press: The Gender Dimension
- ---- Technology of Improving Effectiveness of Higher School Management System on the Basis of Information Technologies
- ---- Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Media Educational Competence Formation of the Pedagogical University Students
- ---- Typology of Difficulties of Teaching a Foreign Language to Secondary School Learners
- ---- Traditional and Advanced Technologies of Formation of Preparedness of Students for Emergencies
- ---- Tourism as an Active Tool of Education of a Person in the Process of Preparation of Students to Passing the Requirements of the All-Russian Sports Complex (ARSC)
- ---- Activization and Inhibition of Subjectivity in Conditions of Exposure to Urban Environment Stress Factors in the System of Graduate and Postgraduate Education
- ---- Conditions of Universal Modeling in Elementary School
- ---- Involving Teachers of a Secondary Vocational Educational Institution into Implementation of the Competence Approach
- --- №11
- ---- Activity Approach: Growth of Integrity and Subjectivity of Individual Existence as Co-existence
- ---- Assessment of Preparedness of the Arts Teacher to the Organization of Volunteer Activity of Pupils
- ---- Ecological Education of Young People: Culturological Aspect
- ---- Formation and Evaluation of the Level of Preparedness to the Choice and Composition of the System of Methods of Teaching Mathematics in Future Masters of Education for the Realization of E-learning
- ---- Formation of the Logic Universal Procedure of Classification in Primary School Pupils
- ---- The Functions of Professional Self-realization of a Person
- ---- Intellectual Potential of Contemporary Man: Structure and Ways of Formation
- ---- Usage of Personal Educational Environment in the Process of Individualization of Mixed Learning of Students
- ---- The Use of Modern Information and Communication Technologies in Health Education of Youth: Issues of Reproductive Health
- ---- Social Interaction at School: Value Gap Problems
- ---- SWOT Analysis as a Method of Assessment of the Quality of Education in a Preschool Educational Establishment
- ---- Historic-Logical Analysis of the Category “Relations”
- ---- Studying the Discipline «Fundamentals of Family Psychology and Family Consulting» in the Aspect of Contextual Teaching of Higher School Students
- ---- To the Problem of Modernization of Education
- ---- Scientific-Educational Centre in the Process of Physics Teachers Training
- ---- On the Instructional Content of Training of Bachelors of Social Work in Natural Sciences
- ---- Needs and Motives of Senior Pupils Seeking to Enter a Higher Educational Establishment
- ---- Pedagogical Theory and Pedagogical Ideology: Interrelation and Interaction
- ---- Training Future Teachers of Physics Efficient Use of Multimedia Technologies in Professional Work
- ---- Training of Volunteer Students for Home Visits of Children with Infantile Cerebral Paralysis
- ---- Raising the Educational Level of Teachers of Parish Schools in the Urals in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century
- ---- Legal Education as a Condition of Formation of Legal Competence of Social Pedagogues: Experience of Realization
- ---- The Problem of Professional Self-determination of a Person in an Information Society
- ---- Project Method in the Study Course «Social Advertising» (The Magistracy in the Direction «Advertising and Public Relations»)
- ---- Risk as an Object of Scientific Analysis in Pedagogy and Education
- ---- The System of Training Future Teachers of History, Social Science and Law in Methods of Teaching: Experience, Problems and Tendencies
- ---- Modern Higher School in the Conditions of Transition to Innovative Development
- ---- Sverdlovsk Teacher Training College Named after A. M. Gorky in 1941-1945
- ---- Typology of Competencies Assessment Tools
- ---- The Role of Typological Features of Parents in Psycho-Pedagogical Support of Court Disputes on Parenting
- ---- The Successful Teacher: What is He Like?
- ---- Student’s Secondary Employment and Career Choice
- ---- Relationship Between Creative Identity and Psychological Well-Being of Students
- --- №12
- ---- Quality Analysis of a Questionnaire for a Linear Scale Measurement of Curiosity of Pupils
- ---- Effective Management of Education: A Course to Modernization and Innovation
- ---- Electronic Resources as a Means of Implementing the Mediator Function of a Social Pedagogue at School
- ---- Factorial Assessment of a Personal Merits Questionnaire
- ---- The Festival “The City Of TechnoCreativity”: A New Form of Realization of Social Partnership in the Field of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Young People
- ---- Individual Approach as a Unique Teaching Style in the Context of Humanistic Educational Paradigms of the Middle Ages
- ---- The History of Popular Readings as One of the First Forms of Out-of-School Education in Pre-revolutionary Bashkiria
- ---- Culture-Centered Approach in Moral and Patriotic Education of Preschool Children
- ---- Lingo-Cultural Tendency in the Process of Formation of Stylistic Competence of Chinese Students Learning Russian
- ---- Methods of Self-training Of Elderly People (Aged 60–69) for the Preparation for Qualifying in The ARSC
- ---- Methodological Approaches to Designing the Process of Formation of Socio-Ecological Competence of Future Teachers of Children’s Non-governmental Organizations
- ---- A Model of Organization of Extracurricular Independent Work of Students in Mathematics
- ---- Municipal System of Assessment of Quality of Education as a Tool for Comparative Assessment of Competitiveness of Educational Institutions
- ---- Popular Education as a Priority Activity of the Perm Zemstvos in the Years of the I World War
- ---- Moral Development of Younger Adolescents in a Pedagogically Organized Artistic and Aesthetic Environment at School
- ---- Education of Early Age Children: Retrospektive Analysis of Normative Documents
- ---- General Approaches to Pre-profile Socially Oriented Training at the General Secondary School
- ---- Definition of Specific Features of Professional Competences of a Future Music Teacher and Their Formation in the Process of Higher Education
- ---- Peculiarities of Socio-Cultural Additional Education Network Interaction in the Development of Career Counseling of Senior Pupils
- ---- The Pedagogical Conditions of Effective Development of Social Leadership Supplementary Education Teachers
- ---- Pedagogical Conditions of Development of a Foreign Language Communicative Competence of a Student-Programmer in the Foreign Language Information and Communication Professional Environment
- ---- Educational Opportunities of the Use of Information Technologies in the Period of Childhood
- ---- Training a Novice Singer to Perform in Concerts
- ---- Training of Teachers on Sverdlovsk During the Great Patriotic War
- ---- Approaches to the Design of an Individual Educational Route in Post-Graduate Education (By the Example of Dental Specialties)
- ---- Practical Training of Art-Journalists in Professional Media Education
- ---- Prevention of Speech Errors in Pupils of Polyethnic Groups in the Process of Teaching Detailed Exposition of a Fiction Text
- ---- The Problem of Competence Formation in Modern Teenagers in the System of Activity of a Children’s Social Unity
- ---- The Problems of Prevention of Extremism in the Educational Environment of a Modern Higher School
- ---- Professionally Mobile Practice as the Basic Component of Training Specialists of the Social Sphere
- ---- Professionally-Oriented Situations as a Means of Activization of Learning and Creative Activity of Master’s Degree Students in the Field of “Fire Safety”
- ---- Psycho-Pedagogical Conditions of Formation of the Cossacks Culture in Higher Education Institutions
- ---- Development of Artistic and Creative Abilities of Younger Schoolchildren in the Process of Pedagogical Integration of Arts
- ---- The Development of Creative Activity of a Person in the System of Mass Music Education in Germany (By the Example of Bavaria)
- ---- Results of an Experiment in Rhythmo-Plastics with Children of Development Groups of an Arts School
- ---- The Role of Volunteer Activity in Training a Teacher-Musician for Socio-Cultural Rehabilitation of Old People
- ---- Individual Students’ Work: Modern Conditions and Problems
- ---- The Systemic Approach to Enhancement of Project Research Activities of Students of Art Specialties in the Process of Training in Decorative and Applied Arts
- ---- Socio-Cultural Space of the University as a Factor of Formation of Socio-Cultural and Professional Competencies in the Process of Training Students of Higher Educational Institutions of Culture and Arts to Play the Piano
- ---- Socio-Pedagogical Support Migrant Children at School
- ---- Style of Pedagogical Activity as a Characteristic Feature of Scientific-Pedagogical School
- ---- Supervision as the Leading Method of Scientific Management in Training Post-graduate Students
- ---- Essence and Principles of Pedagogic Analytics
- ---- Reproduction of Collective Cognitive Activity in Teaching Physics as a Condition of the Individual Development of Schoolchildren
- ---- Educational Dialogue Potential in Training and Development of Junior Schoolchildren
- ---- The All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready to Work and Defense” (GTO) in the Process of Physical Development of Schoolchildren
- ---- Individual Educational Routes: The Role in Development of Children with Special Needs at Physical Training Lessons
- --- №3
- ---- Axiological Component of Education: History of Pedagogy
- ---- The External Studies as a Real Instrument of Education: Analysis of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation»
- ---- Philosophical Education at School in the Context of the Modern Philosophy of Education
- ---- Formation of Informational Competence of Junior Pupils on the Basis of the Dictionaries of the Russian Language
- ---- Formation of the Competence of Pupils’ Information Security in the Course of Training Teachers
- ---- Formation of Students’ National Identity in the Course of Studies
- ---- Formation of Service Competences of the Employee in the Sphere of Hospitality
- ---- Individual Educational Trajectories in the System of Continuous Education
- ---- Information Technologies as a Source of Information Competence Formation to Junior Schoolchildren
- ---- Multi-Component System of Control and Assessment of Students’ Knowledge and Competences in Linguistic University
- ---- Modular Structuring of the Content of an Academic Subject
- ---- On Interaction of the Participants in Distant Learning
- ---- Educational Situation as a Means of Moral Education of Pre-school Children
- ---- Organization of Independent Work of Students in the Educational Environment of the Medical University
- ---- Algorithmic Skills Formation Peculiarities of Preschool Children
- ---- Peculiarities of Technical Thinking of a Modern Skilled Worker
- ---- Reflection of Succession Line of Education in Future Teachers' Training Programmes
- ---- Sex Education of Senior Schoolchildren in the Context of the Education System
- ---- Continuity In Formation Environmental Youth Culture
- ---- Program “Sides of the Urals”: Developing Axiological Attitude to the Native Region at Preschool Children
- ---- The Development of Translators’ Foreign-Language Grammatical Competence as One of the Characteristics of the Language Personality
- ---- Future Teachers’ Management Methodological Skills Development in Group Project Work
- ---- The System of Educational Creative Tasks in Decorative Art as a Means of Activation of Project and Research Work of Students
- ---- Comparative Features of Sociability with the Properties of Temperament at Different Stages of Youth
- ---- Structure of Professional Competence of Translators and Interpreters
- ---- Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Problem of Development and Support for Talented Pre-schoolers
- ---- Educational Scientific Text as a Means of Formation of Informational Skills of Junior Pupils
- --- №4
- ---- Bilingualism as Condition of Successful Self Realization of a Person in the Modern World of Communications
- ---- What is Happiness: The Experience of Three Investigations
- ---- Diagnostics of Career Competence of Students in Higher Education
- ---- Ecological and Axiological Foundation of Personality Development in Modern Society
- ---- Financial and Economic Support of University Management
- ---- Individuality and Individualization of Man
- ---- Innovative Information Technologies in Educational Process
- ---- The Use of New Information Technologies in Education: Experience and Perspectives
- ---- Application of Participation Methods of Development of Active Citizenship of Future Teachers
- ---- The Question of Professional Self-realization of Social Teachers
- ---- The Concept of "Support" of Development of Pedagogical Education as the Factor of Its Accelerated Elimination
- ---- Methodical Aspects of the Use of Differentiated Language Tasks in Teaching Primary Pupils Educational-Scientific Speech
- ---- Modernization of the Model of Educational Process at School and Pedagogical University in Accordance with the Requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard
- ---- Monitoring of the Quality of Educational Services as a Mechanism to Quality Preschool Education
- ---- Monitoring of the Quality of Psychological Support of Professional Self-determination in Educational Institutions of the City of Surgut
- ---- Secondary School Teaching of Information Technology Based On Cognitive Cooperation by Means of Cloud Computing
- ---- Peculiarities of Development of Administrative Culture of Non-government Organizations Managers
- ---- Pedagogical Model the Formation of Social Competence of Municipal Servants
- ---- Pedagogical Conditions of Forming of Information Educational Environment of Contemporary College
- ---- Perspective Researches Defining the Development of Informatization of Education
- ---- Preparation of Seniors for Intercultural Interaction in Electronic Information and Educational Environment
- ---- Polilogue of Cultures in Teaching a Foreign Language as a Means of Forming Tolerance
- ---- Conceptual Aspect of Methodology Of Pedagogical Research
- ---- Positive Theory of Art in the Presentation of A. V. Lunacharsky
- ---- Practice as a Basis of Formation of the Professional Mobility of University Students
- ---- Problems of Systematization and Analysis of Musical Metaphors at Classes in Text Interpretation in Higher Pedagogical School
- ---- Development of Subjectivity of Students in Conditions of Formal and Non-formal Education
- ---- Risks of Psycho-Pedagogical Interaction of the Subjects of Educational Process in a Higher Educational Establishment
- ---- Система методов обучения в контексте современных представлений о структуре образовательной среды
- ---- Systemic Factors of Educational Management in an Institution of Secondary Professional Education
- ---- Sense Regulation in the Psychological Structure of Resilience of Pedagogical Higher School Students
- ---- Social Pedagogy in Russia: History and the Present State
- ---- Comparative Analysis of Coping Strategies of Students’ Behavior
- ---- Strategy of Higher Education Institutions in Ensuring Quality of the Higher Education
- ---- Theoretical Foundations of the Concept of Cadets’ Education
- ---- Theoretical Prerequisites for Development of Methods of Formation of Vocal and Musical Ear Habits of the Future Music Teacher
- ---- Translation of Reproductive Culture in the Modern Russian Society
- ---- Verbal Communicative Personal Fulfillment
- ---- Implementation of the Modular Technology Education in School Practice
- ---- Intrinsic Motivation as a Predictor of Psychological Well-Being of Modern Adolescents
- ---- Education and Early Development of Normally Sighted Children by Blind Parents: Problems and Solutions
- ---- Education of Engineers in Russia
- ---- Education of Aspirations o Healthy Life to Style in Senior Pupils
- ---- Mutual Learning and Self-Education as Means of Realization of New Federal State Educational Standards in the Process of Language Learning
- --- №5
- ---- Axiological Components of Teacher’s Professional Behavior
- ---- Analysis of the Qualifications of the Teachers Vocalists as a Set of Psychological and Professional Competences
- ---- Demonic Sources of Child’s Dreads and Magical Methods to Cure It (On the Example of Russian Spell)
- ---- Diagnosis of Position Changes in the Personality of Teenagers with Deviant Behavior in the Process of Rehabilitation in Closed Institution
- ---- Ethnic Picture of the World of Municipal Employees of Ural Region
- ---- Ethnic Peculiarities of Corporate Culture in the Context of Organizational Loyalty of Employees
- ---- Federal State Educational Standard of General Secondary Education in the Light of Self-education, Self-cognition and Self-actualization of Students
- ---- Formation of the Bases of Information Outlook of Preschoolers by Means of Cultural Creative Technologies
- ---- Formation of Sociocultural Competence of Bachelors of Education by Means of Subjects “The Basis of Sports Tourism” and “Tourist Study of Local Lore”
- ---- Gender Determinants of Personality Self-development of the Student of Different Specialities
- ---- Gaming Cultural Practices as the Life of a Preschooler
- ---- Informational Creative Projects as a Means of Personality Development of Junior Pupils
- ---- The Study of the Words Meaning Structure in Polyparadigmatic Aspect
- ---- It Educational Field as the Basic Form of Intercultural Communicative Competency Formation in Secondary and High School
- ---- Connotative Potential of the Sound Structure of Ideophone: Psycholinguistic Verification
- ---- Corporativity of the Educational Institution
- ---- Lingo-Creative Strategies of Word Semantization and Operational Technique of Language Game Acquisition in Ontogenesis: Experimental Data
- ---- Psychological Mechanism of Orphans’ Defense in Difficult Life Situations
- ---- Memoirs About Home Teachers in the Noble Families of Russia in XVIII Century
- ---- Methodology of Evaluation of Moral Standards of Teenagers with Deviant Behavior
- ---- Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of the Content and Structure of Professional Teaching
- ---- Interlanguage Interference in the Speech of a Bilingual Person and its Experimental Research
- ---- Ontogenesis of Personal “Speech” Deixis
- ---- The Experience of Game Design Realization in the Development of the Students’ Graphic Competence
- ---- Peculiarities Sacred Dialect Phraseology Collection
- ---- The Prospectivity of Phonosemantic Analysis in the Study of Poetry of the Silver Age at School
- ---- Training Future Teachers of Mathematics Implementation of Intercultural Dialogue in the Process of Professional Activity
- ---- The Problem of Discoursive Conflict in Modern Children’s Literature
- ---- The Problem with the Study of Functional Homonymy at School
- ---- The Problem of Students’ Communicative and Creative Activity Development in the System of Higher Education
- ---- Psychological Peculiarities of Involvement of the Minor into Extremist Groups
- ---- Development of Cultural Intelligence of a Teacher as a Condition of Effective Professional Work in Policultural Educational Environment
- ---- Realization of Management Methodological Skills in a Foreign Language Classroom by Future Teachers During Teaching Practice
- ---- Problem Tasks Solving by Technical University Students While Developing Their Graduation Projects
- ---- The Role of Urban Resource Center in the Course of “Fine Arts” in the Implementation of the New Federal Government Requirements
- ---- Intercorrelations of Psychological Well-Being and Ethnic Tolerance of Senior High School Students
- ---- Competence-based Technology of Test Materials Development
- ---- Values and Life Orientations in the Structure of Vitality of the Russian and Kyrgyz Students
- ---- Influence of Spiritual Practices on Building Self-confidence
- ---- Influence of Theatrical Games on Cultural and Speech Development of Children in the Family
- --- №6
- ---- Analysis of Formation Of Socio-Cultural Identity of High School Seniors
- ---- “Poor Liza” by N.M. Karamzin: “Education of Emotions” at a School Lesson of Literature
- ---- Methodological Approaches to Development of Administrative Culture of Managers at Higher Education Institution (HEI)
- ---- Foreign Language Communicative Competence in the Field of Professional Activity: Model and Methods of Development
- ---- Integrative Approach to Teaching Listening Comprehension of Authentic Information Broadcasts
- ---- Interpretative Aspectualisation of The Sacral-Religious Symbol «The Word of the Kingdom / The Word of God»
- ---- Text Interpretation: Defining Metaconcepts
- ---- Study of the History of Formation of Pragmalinguistics as a Science Within the Framework of the Optional Course «Introduction to Pragmalinguistics» (On the Material of French)
- ---- Development of the Category of “Tools” in the Language of Engineering and Technology Key
- ---- The Complex of Exercises for Teaching Professionally-Oriented Listening Comprehension: A Modern Solution to the Problem
- ---- Conceptual Domain «Plants» as an Object of Linguistic Study
- ---- Correlation of Variable and Invariant Component in the Content of Profession-Oriented Language Teaching
- ---- Qualification of a Teacher of Foreign Language and BE Diploma Research in Linguistics: Surmountable Contradiction
- ---- Linguodidactic Principles of Teaching the Course «History of French»
- ---- Linguostylistic Text Analysis (On the Material of the Novel «The Blind Assassin» by M. Atwood)
- ---- LSP as the Object of Teaching in the Non-linguistic University (On the Example of LSP Homoeopathy)
- ---- «Media Culture of Germany» as a New Special Course in Professional Language Education
- ---- Methodological Typology of the Means of Cultural Values Conveying
- ---- Methodical Contents of Communicative English Course for Students of Non-linguistic Specialities
- ---- Methods of Translation Mistakes Analysis Based On Logical Principles
- ---- Methods Applied for Analysis of Graphic Metaphor
- ---- National Variation of German in the Legal Translation
- ---- Scientific Discussions at the Beginning of the XXI Century: The Problem of Untranslatability in Comparative Studies
- ---- The «Incomprehensibility» of Modernist Prose: The Story «Das Grauen» (1912) by Robert Muller
- ---- Analysis of Parcellated Constructions in Teaching Stylistics of French
- ---- Basic Features of the Grammatical Category of Number in Russian and English
- ---- Peculiarities of Teaching Primary School Pupils a Foreign Language
- ---- Teachers’ Learning to Handle a Set of Hardware and Software as One of Conditions of High-Quality Implementation of New Standards of the Primary General Education
- ---- Pedagogical Conditions of Foreign Language Teaching to Schoolchildren with Malfunction of Locomotive System
- ---- Pragmatic Potential of Cognitive-Emotive Speech Skills in Teaching Business Italian
- ---- Practice Oriented Tasks in Training of LSP Teachers
- ---- The Problems of Teaching Adults a Foreign Language
- ---- Project Design in the Development of Professional Orientation of Future Teachers of a Foreign Language
- ---- Professional Teacher’s Standard: New Requirements and Qualifying Characteristics of the Modern Teacher
- ---- Psychological Readiness of a Head of Educational Institution to Create a Model of Inclusive Education
- ---- Framing as One of the Main Means of Sentence Construction in Plattdeutsch Literature
- ---- Rhetorical Criticism as a Method of Public Speech Analysis (An Approach to the Problem of Rhetorical Text Analysis)
- ---- The Role of the Educational and Extracurricular Interaction of the First- and Senior-year Students in the Adjustment of the First-years to Students´ Life
- ---- The Romantic Novelette as an Object of Linguistics Degree Research: Methodology, Methods, Research Procedure
- ---- Spanglish as a Phenomenon of Lingual Cross-Cultural Communication
- ---- Comparative Characteristics of Holistic And Criterial Scales in Relation to Assessment of Written French (Traditional Scale and Use and Delf Scales)
- ---- Variations of the Reflections of the “Language Crisis” in A. Schnitzler's Novels
- ---- Types and Character of Stable Word Combinations in English
- --- №2
- ---- Autonomous Educational Institutions: Main Characteristics, Advantages and Risks
- ---- Ecological and Axiological Foundations of Modern Educational Environment of Higher School
- ---- Stages of Formation of Vocal and Listening Skills of the Students of the Musical-Pedagogical Faculties of Higher Educational Institutions
- ---- Philosophical Foundations of Inclusive Education in the Context of the Special Federal State Educational Standard for Children with Disabilities
- ---- Formation of Pedagogical University Students` Organizational Loyalty
- ---- Ideologic Landmarks of Humanitarian Approach to Russian Education
- ---- Innovative Model of Education of Preschool Children in the Field of Safety of Life
- ---- Logistic Approach to Flow Control in Educational Institutions
- ---- Monitoring the Formation of Professional Competence of the Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) in the Shere of Cultural and Educational Activities
- ---- Scientific-Methodical Support of Activity of a Modern Teacher
- ---- Some Problems of Women-Cadets’ Professional Physical Training in Educational Institutions of the MIA of Russia
- ---- Education in Industrial Structure of Economy
- ---- Event-Driven Structure of the Course of Life of Students in Modern Conditions
- ---- Teaching Tools for Definition of Moral Upbringing of Students in an Educational Institution of Cadet School Type
- ---- Training of Teachers for the Ability to Form Optimistic Attitude Towards Life in Older Adolescents
- ---- Portfolio as Modern Technology of Evaluation of Academic Achievements of Students of a Medical Higher Educational Institution
- ---- Reasons of Transformation of the Institution of Contemporary Attitude to Parenthood
- ---- Modern Technical Teaching Aids in E-learning
- ---- Project Training in the System of Continuous Education of Adults
- ---- Computer-Aided Method and Materials for Ensuring the Process of Readiness of Parents for Successful Professional Self-Determination of Teenagers
- ---- Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Professional Development of a Teacher in Polycultural Educational Environment